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In whose eyes: yellow visual narratives
Tiffany Yassuda Taira, Daysa Namie Yoshida, Thaís Regina Ueno Yamada

This article presents the process of creating a collection of illustrations focusing on yellow identity, anti-Asian prejudice, xenophobia, microaggressions, and Asian underrepresentation. As a main resource, illustration was used as a visual language, within the perspective of social design. The research was conducted in three phases, the analytical, creative and executive phase, which required knowledge in design methodologies, creative process and digital illustration. As a complement to the study, a field survey was carried out in order to collect the experiences of other Brazilian Asians. Through the results, it was possible to select the themes of the illustrations, based on an analysis of the main prejudiced aggressions that the yellow population suffers for decades, extending to the present day, but which refer to the times of colonization, wars and a Eurocentric supremacist ideal.

Article Details

Keywords: Brazilian Asians Yellow identity Digital illustration Anti-asian prejudice Microaggressions
How to Cite
YASSUDA TAIRA, T.; YOSHIDA, D. N. .; UENO YAMADA, T. R. In whose eyes: yellow visual narratives. Revista Brasileira de Expressão Gráfica, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 1, p. 001–025, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.