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João Gabriel Affonso do Nascimento, Aline Calazans Marques

This paper presents the development and results of the research “Algorithm applied to Descriptive Geometry” developed in the study group <Ocultado para avaliação cega>, within the scope of Scientific Initiation with the support of <Ocultado para avaliação cega>, and is based on previous work carried out by Dias (2015) for the discipline. At the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at <Ocultado para avaliação cega>, Descriptive Geometry is divided into two segments: Descriptive Geometry 1 and 2. The object of this research is Descriptive Geometry 1, which addresses general content, understanding of objects in two- and three-dimensional representations and descriptive methods. The teaching of Architecture and Urbanism has been facing the constant challenge of keeping methodologically updated, being able to respond to the technological advances that have occurred since the creation of the personal computer. Faced with this problem, this paper developed a set of materials and tools to minimize the level of abstraction and contribute to the spatial understanding of forms related to architecture. As a result of this paper, a didactic support algorithm was developed, which is applicable and adaptable to graphic problems to be solved based on the foundations of Descriptive Geometry.

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How to Cite
AFFONSO DO NASCIMENTO, J. G.; CALAZANS MARQUES, A. ALGORITHM APPLIED TO DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Revista Brasileira de Expressão Gráfica, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 38–57, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.