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Maria Laura Martinez, Guilherme Leutwiler

In the last century we have seen the emergence of a new scientific paradigm that recognizes complexity and the ways of thinking and acting that represent it. Its epistemic foundation is into the so-called complex or systemic thinking. Furthermore, it recognizes transdisciplinarity as the most promising approach to complex problems. This approach goes beyond the paradigm that divides knowledge into disciplines, in which the modern University was created. On the other hand, professionals of User Experience (UX) and Interaction Design (IxD) have been occupying a space in the Brazilian market, which did not exist 30 years ago. They work solving human problems in different contexts dependent on many variables, which makes complex their object of work. The current research investigates, into the practices of these professionals, if there are traces of the rational, analytical and mechanistic paradigm, or if there is a predominance of the systemic, relational and complex paradigm. The design activity in some scenarios that adopt this new paradigm has been called systemic design. This work also contributes to the market-university dialogue.

Article Details

Keywords: user experience interaction design complex thinking systems thinking transdisciplinarity
How to Cite
MARTINEZ, M. L.; LEUTWILER, G. . INVESTIGATING SYSTEMIC THINKING AND TRANSDISCIPLINARITY INTO USER EXPERIENCE PRACTICES IN BRAZIL. Revista Brasileira de Expressão Gráfica, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.
Author Biographies

Maria Laura Martinez, Universidade de São Paulo

É professora do curso de Editoração da Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).  Sua trajetória acadêmica transdisciplinar foi reconhecida por prêmios. Formou-se em Física, realizou o mestrado e o doutorado em Engenharia e aperfeiçoou-se nas áreas de Comunicação e Design. Vem trabalhando em um método de design de interação para o projeto de produtos e serviços digitais interativos, particularmente, dentro do ecossistema do livro. Sua pesquisa dialoga com a complexidade e a transdisciplinaridade.

Guilherme Leutwiler, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Guilherme Leutwiler is an undergraduate student in the Educommunication course at the School of Communications  and Arts (ECA) at the University of São Paulo (USP). He participates in this work as a PUB scholarship holder of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies at USP. His advisor is Prof. Maria Laura Martinez from ECA - USP.